In the Stars September 15-22, 2024 . . . Shining Light on the Astrology of the Week: Lunar Eclipse

Lunar Eclipse: Photo by Leo Figgs
The Sun continues to shine in practical, industrious Virgo until September 22, giving us another week to clean up our lives, and make them more organized and efficient. On Sunday, September 22, the Autumnal Equinox occurs when the Sun moves into Libra and day and night are equal
Uranus, Saturn, Chiron, Neptune, and Pluto are retrograde, inviting reflection.
A partial Lunar Eclipse occurs Tuesday, September 17, and an annular Solar Eclipse on October 2. Keep things as simple as possible through eclipse season.
The weekend hosts an Aquarius Moon. Saturday, September 14, is a day for gathering with friends and supporting social causes. Venus and Jupiter, the benefic planets, make a positive trine in air signs Libra and Gemini respectively. Expect a glorious, friendly, expansive day.
Sunday’s (September 15) major planetary event is Mars conjunct the bend of the Moon’s nodes, or square to the nodal axis. This configuration could ignite conflict. The Aquarius Moon, in spite of some testy aspects, aims to keep the mood light and optimistic.
On Monday, September 16, the Moon is in Pisces, ushering in a softer, more dreamy energy, a stark contrast to the strong, demanding energies of the weekend. A Moon-Mercury opposition in the evening may make communication challenging.
The Sun and Moon align in a partial Lunar Eclipse on Tuesday, September 17. The eclipse is at 25:40 degrees of Pisces. Neptune is conjunct the Moon, thus giving our intuition and imagination an extra boost of energy. The Moon is sextile Uranus, and thus the Sun is trine Uranus. This alignment may bring a benefic shift, or change. Jupiter squares the eclipse, perhaps illuminating how we are overextended and need to rein in responsibilities, commitments, and activities.
With the lunar eclipse barely behind us, we take on some worry and agitation on Wednesday, September 18. Mercury opposes Saturn, bringing a depressive, concerned, focused attention to the day. The Moon enters feisty, headstrong, action-oriented Aries. Challenging energies are exacerbated by a Moon-Mars square and a Venus-Eris opposition.
Thursday, September 19, is a strong day full of exciting potential. The Virgo Moon trines Uranus, providing practical, grounded energy to make changes. The fiery, action-oriented Aries Moon conjuncts Chiron and Eris, garnering self-confidence. A Moon-Jupiter sextile encourages us to take new risks, and a Moon-Venus opposition challenges us to be collaborative. In the evening the Moon squares Pluto, heating up issues. Be cautious about engaging in problems that need to be resolved. It might be better to wait until morning.
Friday, September 20, is a gnarly day. The exact Moon-Pluto square is at 1:38 a.m. PDT sets the tone for difficulty and power struggles. A Mars-Ceres opposition also makes us prone to conflict. A Sun-Neptune opposition casts a cloud of confusion. Use this next-to-last day of the Sun in Virgo, and the Moon in Taurus tropically, for hard work, and try not to spark interpersonal difficulties. A lot can be accomplished on this day with strong, practical earth element energy.
Saturday, September 21, sports a Mercury-Jupiter square that may lead to too much talking. The Sun’s trine to Pluto enables us to find transformative solutions to some of the problems that emerged the past couple of days. A Moon-Mercury trine in the afternoon could help smooth things out as well. The evening’s Moon-Uranus conjunction may bring changes in plans or take you in new directions. Try a new restaurant of cuisine for dinner.
Sunday, September 22, dawns with the light of a Grand Earth trine between Sun, Moon/Uranus, and Pluto, providing grounding energy to the day’s start. Soon after both the Sun and Moon move into air signs Libra and Gemini respectively. This is the day of Autumn Equinox, when day and night are equally balanced. However, Venus makes difficult aspects to Saturn and Pluto, making relationships prone to conflict and constriction. Do your best to balance the forces.
The work week starts with the restraint of a Moon-Saturn square Monday morning, September 23. Be discerning with speech. Later in the day optimism increases as the Moon conjuncts Jupiter. A downside to the exuberance is that there may be too much talking. Use the energy to ignite curiosity.
The Week in Short:
Saturday: Glorious day for connecting with friends.
Sunday: Though conflict may be ignited, keep the mood light and optimistic.
Monday: Soft dreamy day. Communication clarity may be hard to achieve.
Tuesday: Lunar eclipse ignites intuition, imagination, and the unexpected! Reign in areas of your life that are excessive.
Wednesday: Challenging day prone to pessimism. Head-strong energies are challenging.
Thursday: Exciting, energetic day to make changes and take new risks.
Friday: Work hard at tasks that need to be done; steer clear of interpersonal difficulties.
Saturday: Talkative, transformative day. Solutions can be found to problems. Expect surprises.
Sunday: Autumn Equinox. Grounded day, but testy relationship issues may emerge.
Monday: Restraint is felt early in the day, but enthusiasm and optimism emerge later in the day. Be curious.
Ten Things to Do with Venus in Libra (August 29-September 22)
1. Make a special date night with your beloved on Fridays, Venus' Day.
2. Visit an art gallery.
3. Express affection.
4. Deepen relationships.
5. Work out interpersonal conflicts; Venus gives the grace and consideration to do it.
6. Let your good manners shine.
7. Dress well and be beautiful.
8. Make your home a sparkling, peaceful, inspiring place to be.
9. Host a gathering with close friends; set a pleasing table and share your social graces.
10. Surround yourself with beauty.
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Moon Void of Course:
This is the time when the Moon makes its last major angular aspect with a planet before it moves into the next zodiacal sign tropically. This void time, when the Moon is not aspecting a planet, but rather floating on its own, is a time when things don’t come together and it is difficult to make good decisions. Purchases made during void Moons often turn out to be unsatisfactory and not work out. Appointments often don’t come together, and meetings don’t result in progress or sound, lasting decisions. We more easily get lost or meander in trying to get somewhere. The VoC Moon times for the next month are listed below so that you can plan meetings, decisions, and purchases at times when the Moon is not VoC; and use the void times for gardening, reading, and routine task work.
Void-of-Course Moon times for the month ahead (one lunar cycle):
Pacific Standard Time:
September 15 at 10:05 p.m. through September 16 at 2:38 a.m. (Moon into Pisces)
September 18: 2:02-2:23 p.m. (Moon into Aries)
September 20: 1:38-2:02 a.m. (Moon into Taurus)
September 22: 3:13-3:24 a.m. (Moon into Gemini)
September 24: 4:58 a.m.-7:49 a.m. (Moon into Cancer)
September 26: 3:12 p.m.-3:47 p.m. (Moon into Leo)
September 28 at 8:35 p.m. through September 29 at 2:41 a.m. (Moon into Virgo)
October 1: 2:38 pm-3:19 pm (Moon into Libra)
October 4: 3:40 am-4:22 am (Moon into Scorpio)
October 6: 3:52 pm-4:33 pm (Moon into Sagittarius)
October 8 at 10:53 pm through October 9 at 2:38 am (Moon into Capricorn)
October 11: 8:52 am-9:30 am (Moon into Aquarius)
October 13: 7:10 am-12:54 pm (Moon into Pisces)
GMT (Greenwich Mean Time):
September 16: 5:05-9:38 (Moon into Pisces)
September 18: 21:02-21:23 (Moon into Aries)
September 20:8:38-9:02 a.m. (Moon into Taurus)
September 22: 10:13-10:24 (Moon into Gemini)
September 24: 11:58-11:49 (Moon into Cancer)
September 26: 22:12-22:47 (Moon into Leo)
September 29: 3:35-9:41 (Moon into Virgo)
October 1: 21:38-22:19 (Moon into Libra)
October 4: 10:40-11:22 (Moon into Scorpio)
October 6: 22:52-23:33 (Moon into Sagittarius)
October 9: 5:53-9:38 (Moon into Capricorn)
October 11: 15:52-16:30 (Moon into Aquarius)
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