In the Stars October 20-27 . . . Shining Light on the Astrology of the Week

The Sun now shines in the fixed water sign Scorpio tropically. The month ahead is one for going inward. Take some time for yourself as the we settle into the colder, darker days of deep autumn. Scorpio likes exploring hidden mysteries. This is perfect astro-weather for a divination series I’ll be teaching November 9, 16, and 23 at The Alembic in Berkeley, CA (the series will also be live-streamed) Eventbrite:
Ongoing world conflicts are likely to intensify. Mars squares the Sun all week, moving increasingly toward an explosive opposition to Pluto that will perfect November 3, two days before the election.
Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, and Neptune are retrograde. The many retrograde planets draw us inward for self-reflection. Focus on completing projects already in process.
Photo: Fall Colors at Mt. Rainier; photo by Bill Riley.
The Libra Sun makes aggravating minor aspects with Neptune and Saturn on Sunday, October 20, testing relationships. Serious conversations may take place as a result of the Gemini Moon squaring Saturn in Pisces. Spirits lift late evening as the Moon aspects Jupiter just after midnight PDT.
A Mercury-Saturn trine anchors Monday, October 21, with focus and discernment. Meanwhile, aspects to Neptune cloud the day with some uncertainty. A Mars-Eris square could trigger aggression, but a Sun-Moon trine in air signs provides equanimity. The Gemini Moon won’t allow our attention to be focused on any one thing for long, and it will keep us light-hearted and curious.
The Sun ingresses into Scorpio tropically on Tuesday, October 22. This placement of the Sun in the fixed water sign combines well with the Moon in Cancer and Saturn and Mercury in Pisces. With these alignments we can be emotionally present and maintain good boundaries. In contrast, the Sun squares Pluto, making us prone to power struggles, but this square can also provide determination for strong work.
Mercury makes a benefic trine to Ceres on Wednesday, October 23, helping us be good listeners and nurturers. This energy will be needed in light of the Cancer Moon’s testy alignments with Mars, Eris, Chiron, and Pluto. which could trigger defensiveness and aggression. On a different note, we can be uplifted by the Moon’s flowing alignments with transpersonal planets Uranus and Neptune.
A heart-opening Moon-Venus trine should make Thursday, October 24, lighter than yesterday. The last quarter Moon signals the lunar phase of the month to complete projects, declutter, and release in preparation for the New Moon on November 1. The Mars-Uranus sextile encourages some risk taking. Love and pleasure are supported.
The fiery Leo Moon squares Mercury in Scorpio on Friday, October 25, heating conversations. A divisive square from the Moon to Uranus in the evening may be upsetting. However, the Leo Moon is playful, and Friday is the end of the work week, so we can orient ourselves toward play that will release the tensions of the work week.
Saturday, October 26, should be dedicated to a cause about which you are passionate, with Pluto making a trine to Vesta, the asteroid that symbolizes dedication and commitment. The Moon enters Virgo at 8:47 a.m., inviting us to get our life in good order. It is time to clean house and get organized, so make good use of this day’s offerings.
Sunday, October 27, the perfectionistic Virgo Moon lights up the Venus-Saturn square, drawing out tensions in relationships that need to be addressed. Be mindful not to be too critical or nitpicky. This meticulous energy pattern can also be used to clean up and organize areas of your life that need attention.
Numerous planetary aspects, both flowing and tense make for an active Monday, October 28, when much can be checked off the Virgo Moon’s to-do list. The flowing aspects include a Mars-Neptune trine, a Moon-Mars sextile, and a Grand Earth Trine of the Virgo Moon, Uranus in Taurus, and Pluto in Capricorn. Challenging aspects include the perfected Venus-Saturn square, a Moon-Jupiter square, and a minor aspect between the Sun and Jupiter. Altogether there are opportunities for doing things differently and getting a lot accomplished.
The Week in Short:
Saturday: Engage in a social evening of conversation.
Sunday: Relationships may be rocked, with serious conversations emerging.
Monday: Mixed energies. We are focused and discerning. Aggressive tendencies can be handled with curiosity and light-heartedness.
Tuesday: Sun moves into Scorpio. Emotionally present day, but prone to power struggles. Determination and drive can aid in accomplishment.
Wednesday: Mixed day of difficult, aggressive energy as well as some uplifting winds. A strong theme of caring and concern shines through.
Thursday: Stretch and do a little risk taking, and bask in the love and pleasure this day holds.
Friday: Disruptive, upsetting conversations may unfold. At the same time, the day cam be fun and playful.
Saturday: Engage in a passionate project and get your life in order.
Sunday: Be mindful of a tendency to be critical or nitpicky about your partner. Direct the day’s energy toward cleaning and organizing.
Monday: Active day with challenges and opportunities. Apply different methods to get a lot accomplished.
Ten Things to Do with Venus in Sagittarius (October 17-November 11)
1. Invite someone to dinner from a different ethnic culture.
2. Plan your next long-distance trip (or make a wish list).
3. Read a book about a country, culture, or religion different from yours.
4. Expand your knowledge of metaphysics.
5. Write!
6. Visit a religious art exhibit.
7. Explore a philosophy through a book, book-on-tape, or a lecture.
8. Take a hike (Sagittarius rules the thighs).
9. Enroll in a class that will transport you spiritually to higher ground.
10. Spend money in your local bookstore on books to learn something new.
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Moon Void of Course:
This is the time when the Moon makes its last major angular aspect with a planet before it moves into the next zodiacal sign tropically. This void time, when the Moon is not aspecting a planet, but rather floating on its own, is a time when things don’t come together and it is difficult to make good decisions. Purchases made during void Moons often turn out to be unsatisfactory and not work out. Appointments often don’t come together, and meetings don’t result in progress or sound, lasting decisions. We more easily get lost or meander in trying to get somewhere. The VoC Moon times for the next month are listed below so that you can plan meetings, decisions, and purchases at times when the Moon is not VoC; and use the void times for gardening, reading, and routine task work.
Void-of-Course Moon times for the month ahead (one lunar cycle):
Pacific Standard Time:
October 21: 1:59 pm-3:49 pm (Moon into Cancer)
October 23: 9:47 pm-10:23 pm (Moon into Leo)
October 26: 1:03 am-8:47 am (Moon into Virgo)
October 28: 8:54 pm-9:29 pm (Moon into Libra)
October 31: 9:56 am-10:29 am (Moon into Scorpio)
November 2: 9:50 pm-10:19 pm (Moon into Sagittarius)
November 5: 2:23 am-7:17 am (Moon into Capricorn)
November 7: 2:37 pm-2:57 pm (Moon into Aquarius)
November 9: 4:23 pm-7:59 pm (Moon into Pisces)
November 11: 10:13 pm-10:25 pm (Moon into Aries)
November 13: 10:49 pm-10:58 pm (Moon into Taurus)
November 15: 11:02 pm-11:08 pm (Moon into Gemini)
November 17 at 8:08 pm through November 18 at 12:49 am (Moon into Cancer)
November 20: 3:19 am-5:50 am (Moon into Leo)
November 22: 5:14 am-3:00 pm (Moon into Virgo)
November 24 at 9:34 pm through November 25 at 3:19 am (Moon into Libra)
GMT (Greenwich Mean Time):
October 21: 20:59-22:49 (Moon into Cancer)
October 24: 4:47-5:23 (Moon into Leo)
October 26: 8:03-15:47 (Moon into Virgo)
October 29: 4:54-5:29 (Moon into Libra)
October 31: 10:56-11:29 (Moon into Scorpio)
November 3: 5:50-6:19 (Moon into Sagittarius)
November 5: 10:23-15:17 (Moon into Capricorn)
November 7: 22:37-22:57 (Moon into Aquarius)
November 10: 00:23-3:59 (Moon into Pisces)
November 12: 6:13-6:25 (Moon into Aries)
November 14: 6:49-6:58 (Moon into Taurus)
November 16: 7.02-7:08 pm (Moon into Gemini)
November 18: 4:02-8:49 (Moon into Cancer)
November 20: 11:19-13:50 (Moon into Leo)
November 22: 13:14-23:00 (Moon into Virgo)
November 25: 5:34-11:19 am (Moon into Libra)
Copyright @ 2024 Cathy Coleman, All rights reserved.