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In the Stars October 13-20, 2024 . . . Shining LIght on the Astrology of the Week

This is the last full week with the Sun in Libra tropically, bringing focus on relationships, love, and beauty. However, it is a stormy, disruptive week, with Mars in a testy square with the Sun and Full Moon.


Mars squares the Sun all week, moving increasingly toward an explosive opposition to Pluto that will perfect November 3, two days before the election. Ongoing world conflicts are likely to intensify this week.

Thursday’s Full Moon is particularly tense and volatile, as Mars will be in the midpoint.


Jupiter, Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, and Neptune are retrograde. The influence of the many retrograde planets draw us inward for self-reflection. Focus on completing projects already in process.



Sunday, October 13, is a volatile day full of difficult, testy aspects. A major aspect is a Mercury-Pluto square that may correspond with major breaking news.  A Moon-Uranus square breaks apart routine and may shake us up. A Cardinal T-square between the Sun in Libra, Chiron in Aries, and Mars in Cancer is hot and reactionary. Tension will likely increase with the conflict in the Middle East, the Russia-Ukraine war, and the coming political elections in the United States, and perhaps other tense situations, not to mention our personal lives. As the day wears on, planetary alignments soften the day's edges. The Moon moves into peaceful Pisces at 12:55 p.m. PDT, making a welcome benefic aspect to Mercury, helping us listen with an open heart. A Sun-Jupiter trine gives optimism and vision of higher ground.


The square of the Sun and Mars perfects on Monday, October 14, holding the tension of yesterday’s planetary alignments. A Moon-Saturn conjunction will tether us to our responsibilities and keep us grounded as we navigate the disruptions and surprises that may result from the Venus-Uranus opposition.


Tuesday, October 15, should be an easier day as it is full of flowing, benefic aspects. A Venus-Neptune trine infuses the day with beauty, compassion, and vision. The Pisces Moon trines Mars and Venus, sextiles Uranus, and conjuncts Neptune, all benefic aspects. At 1:33 p.m. PDT the Moon enters Aries after which we will leap into action.


Wednesday, October 16, is a high-spirited day to initiate new activities. Seek to understand any self-doubt.


Thursday’s Full Moon (exact at 4:26 a.m. PDT October 17) is an extremely potent one. There is a Grand Cross pattern in cardinal signs, symbolizing a great deal of tension and action. The Sun and Moon oppose each other at 24:34 degrees of Libra and Aries respectively. Mars and Pluto are opposite each other in Cancer and Capricorn respectively, with Mars and Pluto making square aspects to the Full Moon. Mars and Pluto are planets of aggressive, explosive energy, particularly when in aspect with each other. Their squares to the Sun amplify this powerful energy. Eris, another aggressive, feisty planet, is conjunct the Moon and contained in the T-square. Juno, the asteroid symbolizing partnerships, is conjunct the Sun. With the world holding many tense situations, there is likely to be more violence and upheaval around this time. Numerous other planets are in this 22-29 degree range: Venus, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Juno, and Eris. Venus and Uranus are in opposition. Combined with the tension of the Grand Cross, the Venus-Uranus opposition could trigger relationship issues. There may be break-ups or breakthroughs. Jupiter trines the Sun, giving generosity and optimism which will be needed. The Moon moves into stable, fixed earth sign Taurus at 12:28 p.m., helping to calm the day’s fiery energies. This is a day to go mindfully and carefully. Steer clear of interactions that could be argumentative and explosive. Use the tension to get a lot of work done. Spread good cheer.


Friday, October 18, is Venus’ Day (Viernes in Spanish), and it is graced by the Taurus Moon and Libra Sun, the two signs that Venus rules. Taurus loves to languish in pleasure, so fill this day with good food and music. A Sun-Uranus quincunx aspect might jar things off course and change the day’s intended plans.


Saturday morning, October 19, invites an outdoor adventure in a new place or with something different-than-usual. The fixed earth, pleasure loving Taurus Moon conjuncts Uranus. The Moon makes benefic aspects to Neptune and Pluto, giving imagination and drive. At 1:07 p.m. PDT the Moon moves into Gemini, and then we seek some lightness, good humor, and variety. The Gemini Moon fosters conversation and connection, so plan for a social dinner gathering.


The Libra Sun makes aggravating minor aspects with Neptune and Saturn on Sunday, October 20, testing relationships. Serious conversations may take place in light of the Gemini Moon squaring Saturn in Pisces. Spirits lift late evening as the Moon aspects Jupiter just after midnight PDT.


A Mercury-Saturn trine anchors Monday, October 21, with focus and discernment. Meanwhile, aspects to Neptune cloud the day with some uncertainty. A Mars-Eris square could trigger aggression. A Sun-Moon trine in air signs provide equanimity. The Gemini Moon won’t allow our attention to be focused on any one thing for long, and it will keep us light-hearted and curious.

The Week in Short:

Saturday: Our minds are expanded and gain a broader perspective and greater clarity. Connecting with friends. Is beneficial.

Sunday: Strong, tense energies that may increase conflict. Plans may go awry. A dose of optimism and open-heartedness give us vision and capacity to reach higher ground.

Monday: Another tense day prone to conflict. Plans may go awry. However, we are anchored by tending to responsibilities.

Tuesday: Easy, flowing day. After 1:33 p.m. PDT we leap into action.

Wednesday: High-spirited day; make a leap.

Thursday: Full Moon. Dynamic, explosive day. Go mindfully. Stay calm and use the tension to get a lot accomplished.

Friday: Sensual day. Fill it with pleasure, but don’t be surprised if plans go off course.

Saturday: Go for a relaxing, outdoor adventure to a new place in the morning. Plan a social evening of conversation.

Sunday: Relationships may be rocked, with serious conversations emerging.

Monday: Mixed energies. We are focused and discerning. Aggressive tendencies can be handled with curiosity and light-heartedness.



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Moon Void of Course:

This is the time when the Moon makes its last major angular aspect with a planet before it moves into the next zodiacal sign tropically. This void time, when the Moon is not aspecting a planet, but rather floating on its own, is a time when things don’t come together and it is difficult to make good decisions. Purchases made during void Moons often turn out to be unsatisfactory and not work out. Appointments often don’t come together, and meetings don’t result in progress or sound, lasting decisions. We more easily get lost or meander in trying to get somewhere. The VoC Moon times for the next month are listed below so that you can plan meetings, decisions, and purchases at times when the Moon is not VoC; and use the void times for gardening, reading, and routine task work.

Void-of-Course Moon times for the month ahead (one lunar cycle):

Pacific Standard Time:

October 13: 7:10 am-12:54 pm (Moon into Pisces)

October 15: 1:00 pm-1:33 pm (Moon in Aries)

October 17: 12:26 pm-12:59 pm (Moon into Taurus)

October 19: 12:33 pm-1:06 pm (Moon into Gemini)

October 21: 1:59 pm-3:49 pm (Moon into Cancer)

October 23: 9:47 pm-10:23 pm (Moon into Leo)

October 26: 1:03 am-8:47 am (Moon into Virgo)

October 28: 8:54 pm-9:29 pm (Moon into Libra)

October 31: 9:56 am-10:29 am (Moon into Scorpio)

November 2: 9:50 pm-10:19 pm (Moon into Sagittarius)

November 5: 2:23 am-7:17 am (Moon into Capricorn)

November 7: 2:37 pm-2:57 pm (Moon into Aquarius)

November 9: 4:23 pm-7:59 pm (Moon into Pisces)

GMT (Greenwich Mean Time):

 October 13: 14:10-17:54 (Moon into Pisces)

October 15: 20:00-20:33 (Moon in Aries)

October 17: 19:26-19:59 (Moon into Taurus)

October 19: 19:33-20:06 (Moon into Gemini)

October 21: 20:59-22:49 (Moon into Cancer)

October 24: 4:47-5:23 (Moon into Leo)

October 26: 8:03-15:47 (Moon into Virgo)

October 29: 3:54-4:29 (Moon into Libra)

October 31: 9:56 am-10:29 (Moon into Scorpio)

November 2: 16:50-17:19 (Moon into Sagittarius)

November 5: 9:23-14:17 (Moon into Capricorn)

November 7: 21:37-21:57 (Moon into Aquarius)

November 9 at 23:23 through November 10 at 2:59 (Moon into Pisces)


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