In the Stars November 17-24, 2024 . . . Shining Light on the Astrology of the Week

The Sun shines a few last days in the fixed water sign Scorpio until Thursday, November 21, when it moves into Sagittarius. Take some solitude the next few days, as the Sag Sun will draw you out into an active social life when it moves into its element mutable Fire.
Mars is pulling away from its opposition to Pluto, easing pressure and aggression. Pluto moves into Aquarius on Tuesday, November 19, leaving Capricorn behind for another two and a half centuries. With Pluto in Aquarius we are likely to see rapid progress in science and innovation.
Mercury goes retrograde November 25. Before then, make travel plans, and tie up communication and holiday party invitations. The retrograde period will be time for reflecting, reviewing, and revising.
Venus figures prominently on Saturday, November 16, as it is at the bending of the nodal axis. Thus, a financial or relationship issue may figure prominently. The Sun opposes Uranus which may trigger unexpected changes or disruptions. The Gemini Moon squares Saturn, sharpening the flow of information.
Communication opportunities and issues are highlighted on Sunday, November 17. The Gemini Moon, symbolizing connection and community, opposes the messenger planet Mercury. The Moon also conjuncts Jupiter, amplifying energy for both written and spoken speech. And then the Moon squares Neptune, complicating and confusing issues.
Mercury opposes Jupiter, amplifying thoughts and communication on Monday, November 18. The Sun makes a glorious, trine, giving vision and inspiration. The Cancer Moon trines Saturn, offering calm and reason.
For the fifth and final time Pluto crosses the Capricorn-Aquarius threshold on Tuesday, November 19 at 12:29 p.m. PDT. Pluto will be in Aquarius for the next 20 years, undoubtedly catalyzing change in society, science, and technology. Relationships may experience some disruption today. Feelings are strong, and easily wounded earlier in the day, but by nightfall the Moon is forming a Grand Water Trine with Neptune and Saturn, and we will feel more understood. Be compassionate and caring.
The Moon moves into Leo early Wednesday morning, November 20, at 5:50 a.m. PST, immediately opposing Pluto. Feelings will be charged and courage will grow stronger as the day wears on and the Moon conjuncts Mars. While you may be self-absorbed, use this energy to charge forward boldly and creatively.
The Sun enters sunny Sagittarius on Thursday, November 21 tropically, bringing with it a wave of optimism. Let the holiday parties begin! The Leo Moon makes a benefic sextile to Jupiter adding to the gaiety of the day. Further benefiting this day, the Moon trines Chiron and Mercury. Enjoy the ease of connection and healing!
Friday’s focus is on relationship and financial matters, buoyed by a practical Venus-Saturn sextile. Early in the morning the Leo Moon squares Uranus, giving the urge to break free of limitations. This Moon-Uranus aspect marks the beginning of a long Moon void-of-course period that continues until 3:00 p.m. PST. While the Moon is void, your energies are best focused on routine tasks rather than meetings or activities requiring decisions. At 3:00 p.m. PST the Moon moved into Virgo, signaling at the beginning of the weekend that it is the time of the month to get your life in order, but not without an exuberant social evening with the Sun in Sagittarius square the Moon. Mars trines the North Node, pointing us toward our goals and purpose.
Saturday, November 23, is a nose-to-the grindstone day with the efficient, hard-working Virgo Moon opposing industrious Saturn. Get your work clothes on and get busy! There is a lot to accomplish before the Sun sets. The Virgo Moon trines Venus in the evening, offering ease, and inviting us to put our work away and enjoy a pleasurable social evening.
Sunday, November 24, is another industrious day framed for work, so keep at it. Use this last day of the weekend to get your life in ship shape, especially as it is the day before Mercury goes retrograde. Mercury squares Jupiter and Mercury, making us feel overextended, yet optimistic and engaged. The Moon trines Uranus, giving intuition and taking us in new directions. On Sunday evening you will look back at the weekend and be amazed by all you accomplished. At bedtime, the Moon opposes Neptune, softening the day's end, and leading us into dreamland.
The work week is emboldened early Monday morning, November 25, with a Moon-Pluto trine. The Moon’s benefic sextiles to the Sun and Mars boost the day into a higher vibration. We feel confident, and could take some risks. Be sure to check details before moving forward, as Mercury moves into retrograde motion at 6:42 p.m. PST, and it will spin in reverse for the next three weeks.
The Week in Short:
Saturday: Financial and relationship matters figure prominently. There may be disruptions and surprising changes.
Sunday: Communication is an amplified theme, though there may be confusion.
Monday: Again, communication and connection are strong themes. The day is infused with vision and inspiration, as well as calm and reason.
Tuesday: Pluto moves into Aquarius for the next 20 years! Feelings run strong. Be compassionate and caring.
Wednesday: Charge forward boldly and creatively.
Thursday: High-spirited, easy, enthusiastic day!
Friday: Break free of limitations until mid-afternoon when it is time to get your life in order. Yet, allow yourself to enjoy a fun social evening.
Saturday: Hard-working day. Enjoy a pleasant evening.
Sunday: Another industrious day with a lot of activity, a few surprises, and then there is a soft landing before bedtime.
Monday: Bold, empowered day when you can take some risks. Mercury turns retrograde, so double check details (and for the next three weeks).
Ten Things to Do with Venus in Capricorn (November 11-December 6)
1. Exercise prudence regarding financial matters
2. Get your portfolio in ship shape.
3. Tighten your belt and save more.
4. Be discerning in your love life.
5. Host a social gathering for old and new business associates.
6. Upgrade your website.
7. Prune your wardrobe.
8. Select high quality practical gifts of good value.
9. Set goals to increase your business in the coming year.
10. Work hard and love your work.
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Moon Void of Course:
This is the time when the Moon makes its last major angular aspect with a planet before it moves into the next zodiacal sign tropically. This void time, when the Moon is not aspecting a planet, but rather floating on its own, is a time when things don’t come together and it is difficult to make good decisions. Purchases made during void Moons often turn out to be unsatisfactory and not work out. Appointments often don’t come together, and meetings don’t result in progress or sound, lasting decisions. We more easily get lost or meander in trying to get somewhere. The VoC Moon times for the next month are listed below so that you can plan meetings, decisions, and purchases at times when the Moon is not VoC; and use the void times for gardening, reading, and routine task work.
Void-of-Course Moon times for the month ahead (one lunar cycle):
Pacific Standard Time:
November 17 at 8:08 pm through November 18 at 12:49 am (Moon into Cancer)
November 20: 3:19 am-5:50 am (Moon into Leo)
November 22: 5:14 am-3:00 pm (Moon into Virgo)
November 24 at 9:34 pm through November 25 at 3:19 am (Moon into Libra)
November 27: 1:14 am-4:20 pm (Moon into Scorpio)
November 29 at 10:18 pm through November 30 at 3:52 am (Moon into Sagittarius)
December 2: 7:46 am-1:08 pm (Moon into Capricorn)
December 4: 3:33 pm-8:20 pm (Moon into Aquarius)
December 6 at 4:01 pm through December 7 at 1:48 am (Moon into Pisces)
December 9: 12:44 am-5:37 am (Moon into Aries)
December 10 at 2:13 pm through December 11 at 7:54 am (Moon into Taurus)
December 13: 4:38 am-9:21 am (Moon into Gemini)
December 22: 5:26 am-11:07 am (Moon into Cancer)
GMT (Greenwich Mean Time):)
November 16: 7.02-7:08 pm (Moon into Gemini)
November 18: 4:02-8:49 (Moon into Cancer)
November 20: 11:19-13:50 (Moon into Leo)
November 22: 13:14-23:00 (Moon into Virgo)
November 25: 5:34-11:19 am (Moon into Libra)
November 27 at 9:14 through November 28 at 0:20 (Moon into Scorpio)
November 30: 6:18-11:52 (Moon into Sagittarius)
December 2: 15:46-21:08 (Moon into Capricorn)
December 4 at 23:33 through December 5 at 4:20 (Moon into Aquarius)
December 7: 0:01-9:48 (Moon into Pisces)
December 9: 8:44-13:37 (Moon into Aries)
December 10 at 22:13 through December 11 at 15:54 (Moon into Taurus)
December 13: 12:38-17:21 (Moon into Gemini)
December 22: 13:26-19:07 (Moon into Cancer)
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