In the Stars November 10-17, 2024 . . . Shining Light on the Astrology of the Week

The Sun continues to shine in the fixed water sign Scorpio tropically for another ten days. Go inward before the Sun moves into Sagittarius and the holiday gatherings begin. Scorpio likes exploring hidden mysteries.
Mars continues in an explosive opposition to Pluto. While this is a combative aspect, it also can be used to stand up and push forward for our beliefs and causes. A tremendous amount of work can also be accomplished. Mars will go retrograde on December 7. Its slow motion over the next two months, along with its close opposition to Pluto will continue to generate aggressive energy. Two more exact oppositions occur, one on January 2, and the last one on April 25, 2025.
Mercury goes retrograde November 25. Between now and then, make travel plans, tie up communication and holiday party invitations. The retrograde period will be time for reflecting, reviewing, and revising.
Saturday, November 9, begins on an up note as a result of a Moon-Jupiter trine. Expect something unexpected as the Moon squares Uranus. A Venus-Neptune square is the strongest influence of the day, making it difficult to judge matters of love and money clearly. Independence remains a strong theme as the Moon completes its traverse of the sign Aquarius at the end of the day.
Sunday, November 10, is an idealistic day with the Moon in Pisces. Mental clarity is challenged due to a Moon-Mercury square, yet this aspect offers wider vision. The day becomes more grounded and productive as the Moon closes in to conjunct Saturn.
The Pisces Moon on Monday, November 11, Veteran’s Day, colors the day creative and visionary. Venus moves into Capricorn for the next 26 days. The Moon’s aspects to Mars may trigger discord in relationships.
Tuesday’s Mercury-Saturn square may make conversations uncomfortable and constrain speech. The aspect can be used for good to polish a writing project, and for discernment with written or spoken word. The Moon-Mercury trine later in the evening bridges communication.
Wednesday morning, November 13, brightens with the light of the active Aries Moon’s benefic sextile to Jupiter. A Moon-Chiron conjunction may add understanding and healing. However, the day then unfolds with more difficult aspects: Moon conjunct Eris, and Moon-Pluto square, and Mars making a square aspect to these planets. This will likely be another hot, feisty day. A lot can be accomplished if the energy is applied for good.
Arguments may be fueled by a Mercury-Pluto minor aspect and a Moon-Mars square on Thursday, November 14. However, the Taurus Moon’s trine to Venus in Capricorn will ease the tension. A benefic Moon-Saturn sextile will restore reason and turn us toward practicality and focused work.
Saturn stations, completing its 4 ½ month retrograde motion on Friday, November 15. When a planet stations, its symbolism is strong, making this a serious, restrained day. The Full Moon perfects at 1:28 p.m., the Moon being at 24:00 Taurus tropically, closely conjunct Uranus. There may be a number of unexpected events.
Venus figures prominently on Saturday, November 16, as it is at the bending of the nodal axis. Thus, a financial or relationship issue may figure prominently. The Sun opposes Uranus which may trigger unexpected changes or disruptions. The Gemini Moon squares Saturn, perhaps compromising the flow of information.
Communication opportunities and issues are highlighted on Sunday, November 17. The Gemini Moon, symbolizing connection and community, opposes the messenger planet Mercury. The Moon also conjuncts Jupiter, amplifying energy for both writing and speaking. Later, the Moon squares Neptune, complicating and confusing issues.
Mercury opposes Jupiter, amplifying thoughts and communication. The Sun makes a glorious, trine, giving vision and inspiration. The Cancer Moon trines Saturn, offering calm and reason.
The Week in Short:
Saturday: Up-beat day with some surprises. Matters of love and money may be cloudy. Independence runs strong.
Sunday: Idealistic, visionary day. Set intentions and be productive.
Monday: Romantic, creative, inspired day.
Tuesday: Communication is restrained, but the same energy can be used for focus and discernment in written and spoken matters.
Wednesday: Enthusiastic, active, hot, feisty day. A lot can be accomplished.
Thursday: Some tension in the air, but it can be alleviated. Reason and practicality help accomplish goals and complete projects.
Friday: Serious, constrained day with a few surprises. Full Moon in Taurus. Saturn stations, turning direct.
Saturday: Financial and relationship matters figure prominently. There may be disruptions and surprising changes.
Sunday: Communication is an amplified theme, though there may be confusion.
Monday: Again, communication and connection are strong themes. The day is infused with vision and inspiration, as well as calm and reason.
Ten Things to Do with Venus in Capricorn (November 11-December 6)
1. Exercise fiscal prudence.
2. Get your portfolio in ship shape.
3. Tighten your belt and save more.
4. Be discerning in your love life.
5. Host a social gathering for old and new business associates.
6. Upgrade your website.
7. Prune your wardrobe.
8. Select high quality practical gifts of good value.
9. Set goals to increase your business in the coming year.
10. Work hard and love your work.
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Moon Void of Course:
This is the time when the Moon makes its last major angular aspect with a planet before it moves into the next zodiacal sign tropically. This void time, when the Moon is not aspecting a planet, but rather floating on its own, is a time when things don’t come together and it is difficult to make good decisions. Purchases made during void Moons often turn out to be unsatisfactory and not work out. Appointments often don’t come together, and meetings don’t result in progress or sound, lasting decisions. We more easily get lost or meander in trying to get somewhere. The VoC Moon times for the next month are listed below so that you can plan meetings, decisions, and purchases at times when the Moon is not VoC; and use the void times for gardening, reading, and routine task work.
Void-of-Course Moon times for the month ahead (one lunar cycle):
Pacific Standard Time:
November 9: 4:23 pm-7:59 pm (Moon into Pisces)
November 11: 10:13 pm-10:25 pm (Moon into Aries)
November 13: 10:49 pm-10:58 pm (Moon into Taurus)
November 15: 11:02 pm-11:08 pm (Moon into Gemini)
November 17 at 8:08 pm through November 18 at 12:49 am (Moon into Cancer)
November 20: 3:19 am-5:50 am (Moon into Leo)
November 22: 5:14 am-3:00 pm (Moon into Virgo)
November 24 at 9:34 pm through November 25 at 3:19 am (Moon into Libra)
November 27: 1:14 am-4:20 pm (Moon into Scorpio)
November 29 at 10:18 pm through November 30 at 3:52 am (Moon into Sagittarius)
December 2: 7:46 am-1:08 pm (Moon into Capricorn)
December 4: 3:33 pm-8:20 pm (Moon into Aquarius)
December 6 at 4:01 pm through December 7 at 1:48 am (Moon into Pisces)
GMT (Greenwich Mean Time):)
November 10: 00:23-3:59 (Moon into Pisces)
November 12: 6:13-6:25 (Moon into Aries)
November 14: 6:49-6:58 (Moon into Taurus)
November 16: 7.02-7:08 pm (Moon into Gemini)
November 18: 4:02-8:49 (Moon into Cancer)
November 20: 11:19-13:50 (Moon into Leo)
November 22: 13:14-23:00 (Moon into Virgo)
November 25: 5:34-11:19 am (Moon into Libra)
November 27 at 9:14 through November 28 at 0:20 (Moon into Scorpio)
November 30: 6:18-11:52 (Moon into Sagittarius)
December 2: 15:46-21:08 (Moon into Capricorn)
December 4 at 23:33 through December 5 at 4:20 (Moon into Aquarius)
December 7: 0:01-9:48 (Moon into Pisces)
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