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In the Stars December 22-29, 2024 . . . Shining Light on the Astrology of the Week

Happy Holidays!
Happy Holidays!

Saturday, December 21, is the Winter Solstice, the first day of Winter, the shortest day of the year, and the beginning of the Sun’s journey through Capricorn. The Moon is in Virgo, bringing a focus on work and the numerous tasks that need to be accomplished before Christmas. A Moon-Neptune opposition widens our view and gives vision, and also invites us to relax (contradicting the influence of the Virgo Moon). Roll up your sleeves, give your all to the work during the day, and then treat yourself to a joyful, inspiring holiday evening.


News Flash! I had an epiphany a few days ago that it would work for me to continue writing an overview of the week, rather than a daily focus. I am initiating the new format in this offering. You will have the weekly overview in a few paragraphs, and I'll offer a few summary notes that at this moment I am calling "planetary pointers." The whole blog post will be shorter. I am grateful for all the comments that have been sent to me by those who would miss the blog, and have appreciated it. This re-thinking is an example of the Mercury retrograde period that is so good for re-imagining and revising.

See my class offering in the New Year below—before the Void of Course Moon times posting.


Now through Saturday, December 28, there is a Mercury-Saturn-Jupiter T-square. Mercury opposes Jupiter, and Saturn squares both. The Mercury-Jupiter opposition amplifies thoughts and ideas, and also makes us more talkative. The Saturn square places a check on this activity, reigning in wild ideas, shaping ideas for concrete results, or requiring solid plans for manifesting expansive ideas. These days over Christmas would be good for talking over goals, plans, and dreams for 2025, and considering what is possible, practical, and within budget.

Christmas Day, Wednesday December 25, holds the above-mentioned T-square. As a result of Mercury in Sagittarius, a truth-telling signature, amplified by an opposition to Jupiter, we will be prone to saying what we think, and possibly saying too much, especially if we have had a little too much holiday drink. The Moon is in Scorpio, not it’s happiest place; the Scorpio Moon needs some quiet time alone. Mars and Pluto are in opposition, a powerful, explosive energy. These alignments could stir up trouble at the holiday family Christmas dinner. Lean on Saturn’s square to Mercury and Jupiter to be discerning, and think twice before speaking.

Chiron stations on Saturday, December 28, turning direct. When a planet stations, its symbolism is amplified. Chiron’s symbolism is healing, metaphysics, mentoring, and wholeness. With this station occurring at the end of the year, it is an opportunity for holistic healing. Reach out to a holistic, naturopathic or ayurvedic healer, or schedule a massage. Connect with a mentor if you are in need of that connection in some aspect of your life, or be a mentor to someone else.

The Mars-Pluto opposition continues to tighten toward exactitude on New Year’s Day, January 1, though it is activated from now through the presidential inauguration. This is a dynamic, raging alignment that can have negative consequences if its fury is unleashed. However, it can be harnessed for good to accomplish something demanding, like running a race, doing some heavy lifting, or tackling a challenging project, so lean in and use this energy wisely.

Mercury, although direct, will not leave its shadow until January 3, so there still could be some confusion with details, so continue to exercise patience and forgiveness with mistakes through the holiday period.


Planetary Pointers for the Week Ahead:

·       Be ambitious about getting chores and tasks completed.

·       Think twice before speaking at the holiday Christmas dinner, and garner some time alone for yourself at some point. A quiet walk might restore your energy.

·       Use the vigorous, meteoric energy to engage in a challenging project or something physically demanding.

·       Open to expanded ideas, but check them with realistic expectations.

·       Be patient with mix-ups and mistakes.

·       Schedule something healing for yourself such as a massage or astrology reading.

·       Get added rest.


 Ten Things to Do with Venus in Aquarius (December 6-January 2)

1.      Express love and appreciation to your friends.

2.     Change your dress toward more colorful and unique.

3.     Explore a new ethnic neighborhood.

4.     Read a book about another culture.

5.     Gather with friends more often during this period—and enjoy them.

6.     Explore joining a new group to expand your life.

7.     Make a contribution to one or more of your favorite social causes.

8.     Write to your congressman or senator to express your views on current matters.

9.     Make new friends.

10.  Host a dinner party with a group of diverse friends



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To book an astrological consultation, contact Cathy at or visit her website at


2025 Class Offerings:

Astrological Chart Reading/Interpretation : 9 Thursdays starting January 30, 2025 from 4:30 pm-6 pm Pacific Time: Assuming a basic knowledge of planets and signs, this class will be an introduction to reading a horoscope. It will include a focus on elements and modalities, houses, aspects, dignities, nodes, planetary patterns, and horoscope interpretation. $350; $295 early bird by January 6. To register, click  here.

If you are interested in a basic introduction to astrology, transits and progressions, chart consultations, or anything else, send me an email at


Moon Void of Course:

This is the time when the Moon makes its last major angular aspect with a planet before it moves into the next zodiacal sign tropically. This void time, when the Moon is not aspecting a planet, but rather floating on its own, is a time when things don’t come together and it is difficult to make good decisions. Purchases made during void Moons often turn out to be unsatisfactory and not work out. Appointments often don’t come together, and meetings don’t result in progress or sound, lasting decisions. We more easily get lost or meander in trying to get somewhere. The VoC Moon times for the next month are listed below so that you can plan meetings, decisions, and purchases at times when the Moon is not VoC; and use the void times for gardening, reading, and routine task work.

Void-of-Course Moon times for the month ahead (one lunar cycle):

Pacific Standard Time:

December 22: 5:26 am-11:07 am (Moon into Libra)

December 24 at 2:43 a.m. through December 25 at 12:06 a.m. (Moon into Scorpio)

December 27: 6:23 am-11:46 am (Moon into Sagittarius)

December 29: 3:34 pm-8:37 pm (Moon into Capricorn)

December 31 at 10:02 pm through January 1, 2025, at 2:49 am (Moon into Aquarius)

January 2 at 8:12 pm through January 3 at 7:20 am (Moon into Pisces)

January 5: 6:29 am-11:00 am (Moon into Aries)

January 7: 1:15 pm-2:11 pm (Moon into Taurus)

January 9: 2:49 pm-5:06 pm (Moon into Gemini)

January 11: 4:03 pm-8:23 pm (Moon into Cancer)

January 13 at 8:45 pm through January 14 at 1:11 am (Moon into Leo)

January 15 at 8:09 pm through January 16 at 8:45 am (Moon into Virgo)

January 18: 6:01 pm-7:32 pm (Moon into Libra)

January 20 at 8:33 p.m. through January 21 at 8:19 a.m. (Moon into Scorpio)

January 23: 4:03 p.m.-8:28 p.m. (Moon into Sagittarius)

January 26: 1:39 a.m.-5:42 a.m. (Moon into Capricorn)

GMT (Greenwich Mean Time):

December 22: 13:26-19:07 (Moon into Libra)

December 24 at 10:43 through December 25 at 8:06 (Moon into Scorpio)

December 27: 14:23-19:46 am (Moon into Sagittarius)

December 29 at 23:34 through December 30 at 4:37 (Moon into Capricorn)

January 1, 2025: 6:02-10:49 (Moon into Aquarius)

January 3: 4:12-15:20 (Moon into Pisces)

January 5: 14:29-19:00 (Moon into Aries)

January 7: 21:15-22:11 (Moon into Taurus)

January 9 at 22:49 through January 10 at 1:06 (Moon into Gemini)

January 12: 0:03-16:23 (Moon into Cancer)

January 14: 4:45-9:11 (Moon into Leo)

January 16: 4:09-16:45 (Moon into Virgo)

January 18: 2:01-3:32 (Moon into Libra)

January 21: 4:33-16:19 (Moon into Scorpio)

January 24: 0:03-4:28 (Moon into Sagittarius)

January 26: 9:39-13:42 (Moon into Capricorn)


Copyright @ 2024 Cathy Coleman, All rights reserved.



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