In the Stars December 15-22, 2024 . . . Shining Light on the Astrology of the Week

For a few more days until December 21, the Sun shines in the last degrees of Sagittarius, the center of the Milky Way Galaxy (27 degrees Sagittarius, where my Moon happens to be in my horoscope). The Sag Moon fosters social activity, enthusiasm, and holiday euphoria, so enjoy these last fun-filled, expansive days.
Mercury turns direct on Sunday, December 15. However, it will not leave its shadow until January 3, so there still could be some confusion with details, so continue to exercise patience and forgiveness with mistakes through the holiday period.
Winter Solstice is Saturday, December 21, the shortest day of the year, and when the Sun makes its ingress into Capricorn. Winter, a time for deep rest, sets in. The Virgo Moon, coupled with the Capricorn Sun, on the Solstice punctuates the shift from holiday fun toward work and responsibility.
Note: December 29, 2024 will be my last weekly post of this blog. After writing this blog for 15 years, and posting weekly, the time has come for me move on from this weekly commitment. I have enjoyed writing this blog, and I am grateful for my dedicated readers. I have decided to open my time for other creative endeavors.
I have listed some alternate newsletters and podcasts at the bottom of this post.
The Gemini Moon reaches its Fullness on Sunday, December 15 at 1:01 a.m. PST. This is a joyful, curious, social alignment. Holiday parties are blessed with this bright Moon. The Moon is void of course from 6:31-11:21 a.m. PST when it moves into Cancer, beckoning us to turn our attention to home, family, and tradition. Mercury stations to turn direct. Communication will start to clear, though the shadow period continues until January 3. There may be some mix-ups on this day as the trickster energy is strong. Be patient and forgiving of mistakes.
With the Moon in Cancer, Monday, December 16, is a good day to attend to the comforts of home. Decorate for the holidays if you have not done so already. It would be a good day to make festive cookies or comfort food. Mars trines Mercury, making for a gregarious, talkative day. Jupiter and Saturn square, creating tension between expansion and contraction.
Tuesday, December 17, holds a void of course Moon in Cancer from 10:33 a.m.-3:38 p.m. PST. While this is not a good time for meetings or decision making, it is a good time to do caring, compassionate acts of kindness. If you are on the job, it would be a good time to cook some comfort food or treats to give to others for the holidays. The day holds a great deal of emotional intensity, as the Moon opposes Pluto, perfecting at 4:49 p.m. PST.
Wednesday, December 18, is a playful, exuberant day with the Moon in Leo, making a benefic trine to expansive Jupiter. This is a fun day for holiday parties, shopping and gift wrapping, or watching children perform.
The Sun and Moon make a brilliant trine in fire signs on Thursday, December 19. This is another strong day for fun gatherings and holiday activities.
Friday, December 20, is the last day with the Sun in Sagittarius. Tomorrow is the Winter Solstice, the first day of the Sun in Capricorn. The party season is coming to an end. The Moon is in Virgo, giving efficiency and energy for organizing the work ahead before Christmas.
Saturday, December 21, is the Winter Solstice, the first day of Winter, the shortest day of the year, and the beginning of the Sun’s journey through Capricorn. The Moon continues to move through Virgo, bringing focus on work and the tasks at hand. A Moon-Neptune opposition widens our view and gives vision, and also invites us to relax (contradicting the influence of the Virgo Moon). The Saturn-Jupiter square nears perfection, tightening the tension of expansion and contraction. The Mars-Pluto opposition continues to tighten with powerful, explosive energy. It is time to tend to responsibilities, and honor limits.
The Moon is in relationship-oriented Libra on Sunday and Monday. The Moon opposes Mars on Sunday, December 22, firing up our emotions. Set a beautiful table, and invite special people to dinner.
On Monday, December 23, the Moon opposes Chiron, sensitizing us to the wounded places in our lives. Jupiter continues to tighten its square aspect to Saturn, urging us to manifest our desires and goals.
The Week in Short:
Sunday: Joyful, curious, social Full Moon. Mercury turns direct. Be patient with mistakes and mix-ups.
Monday: Focus on home, including holiday decorating and cooking. Engage in lively conversations.
Tuesday: Moon VoC from 10:33 a.m.-3:38 p.m. PST. Do an act of kindness on this emotionally intense day.
Wednesday: Playful, exuberant day for holiday parties and shopping.
Thursday: Great, fun day for seasonal parties and holiday activities.
Friday: Get to work, and get organized for the final preparations for the Christmas, Hannakah, and Kwanza season.
Saturday: Shortest day of the year. Time to honor responsibilities, and harness your strength and power toward the work before you.
Sunday: Set a beautiful table, and invite dear friends for dinner.
Monday: Tend your wounded places. Work toward manifesting your desires and goals.
Ten Things to Do with Venus in Aquarius (December 6-January 2)
1. Express love and appreciation to your friends.
2. Change your dress toward more colorful and unique.
3. Explore a new ethnic neighborhood.
4. Read a book about another culture.
5. Gather with friends more often during this period—and enjoy them.
6. Explore joining a new group to expand your life.
7. Make a contribution to one or more of your favorite social causes.
8. Write to your congressman or senator to express your views on current matters.
9. Make new friends.
10. Host a dinner party with a group of diverse friends
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Astrological Blog posts and podcasts:
Tropical and Sidereal:
Ronnie Gale Dreyer: Monthly news and views:
Tropical/Western Astrology:
Chris Brennan: The Astrology Podcast: www.the, monthly podcast forecast, with additional approximately weekly podcasts on special topics.
Ralph and Lahni DeAmicis: Weekly planetary podcast (about 20 minutes). Also planetary calendars and planners available.
A.T. (Tad) Mann: Newsletters at the New and Full Moons.
Wendy Rose: An overview of planetary activity at the beginning of each month.
Georgia Stathis: Irregular newsletter on relevant, current topics:
Moon Void of Course:
This is the time when the Moon makes its last major angular aspect with a planet before it moves into the next zodiacal sign tropically. This void time, when the Moon is not aspecting a planet, but rather floating on its own, is a time when things don’t come together and it is difficult to make good decisions. Purchases made during void Moons often turn out to be unsatisfactory and not work out. Appointments often don’t come together, and meetings don’t result in progress or sound, lasting decisions. We more easily get lost or meander in trying to get somewhere. The VoC Moon times for the next month are listed below so that you can plan meetings, decisions, and purchases at times when the Moon is not VoC; and use the void times for gardening, reading, and routine task work.
Void-of-Course Moon times for the month ahead (one lunar cycle):
Pacific Standard Time:
December 15: 6:31 am-11:21 am (Moon into Cancer)
December 17: 10:33 am-3:38 pm (Moon into Leo)
December 19: 9:19 pm-11:36 pm (Moon into Virgo)
December 22: 5:26 am-11:07 am (Moon into Libra)
December 24 at 2:43 a.m. through December 25 at 12:06 a.m. (Moon into Scorpio)
December 27: 6:23 am-11:46 am (Moon into Sagittarius)
December 29: 3:34 pm-8:37 pm (Moon into Capricorn)
December 31 at 10:02 pm through January 1, 2025, at 2:49 am (Moon into Aquarius)
January 2 at 8:12 pm through January 3 at 7:20 am (Moon into Pisces)
January 5: 6:29 am-11:00 am (Moon into Aries)
January 7: 1:15 pm-2:11 pm (Moon into Taurus)
January 9: 2:49 pm-5:06 pm (Moon into Gemini)
January 11: 4:03 pm-8:23 pm (Moon into Cancer)
January 13 at 8:45 pm through January 14 at 1:11 am (Moon into Leo)
January 15 at 8:09 pm through January 16 at 8:45 am (Moon into Virgo)
January 18: 6:01 pm-7:32 pm (Moon into Libra)
GMT (Greenwich Mean Time):
December 15: 14:31- 19:21 (Moon into Cancer)
December 17: 18:33-23:38 (Moon into Leo)
December 20: 5:19-7:36 (Moon into Virgo)
December 22: 13:26-19:07 (Moon into Libra)
December 24 at 10:43 through December 25 at 8:06 (Moon into Scorpio)
December 27: 14:23-19:46 am (Moon into Sagittarius)
December 29 at 23:34 through December 30 at 4:37 (Moon into Capricorn)
January 1, 2025: 6:02-10:49 (Moon into Aquarius)
January 3: 4:12-15:20 (Moon into Pisces)
January 5: 14:29-19:00 (Moon into Aries)
January 7: 21:15-22:11 (Moon into Taurus)
January 9 at 22:49 through January 10 at 1:06 (Moon into Gemini)
January 12: 0:03-16:23 (Moon into Cancer)
January 14: 4:45-9:11 (Moon into Leo)
January 16: 4:09-16:45 (Moon into Virgo)
January 18: 2:01-3:32 (Moon into Libra)
Copyright @ 2024 Cathy Coleman, All rights reserved.