In the Stars December 1-8, 2024 . . . Shining Light on the Astrology of the Week

The Sun now shines in the exuberant, optimistic sign Sagittarius, a month to be social and enjoy sparkling holiday gatherings.
Pluto moved into Aquarius on November 19 for its 20-year stay in the sign of science, innovation, independence, a social concerns. Mercury turned retrograde Monday, November 25, where it will be until December 15. The retrograde period is a good time for reflecting, reviewing, and revising.
Mars and Neptune change direction in the coming week, amplifying their symbolism of action and inspiration. Mars turns retrograde in Leo, moving back into Cancer, on Friday, December 6. Neptune stations on Saturday, December 7, to move direct in motion.
An exuberant, but measured T-square with Saturn squaring the Sun and Jupiter is at play from December 3-8. This aspect pattern promotes expansion, but with limits and responsibility.
Note: Note: December 29, 2024 will be my last weekly post of this blog. After writing this blog for 15 years, and posting weekly, the time has come for me move on from this weekly commitment. I have enjoyed writing this blog, and I am grateful for my dedicated readers. I have decided to open my time for other creative endeavors.
The Moon moves into sunny, good-humored Sagittarius early Saturday morning, November 30. The Moon is dark all day until it forms a New Moon at 10:21 p.m. PST at 9:32 degrees Sagittarius. The New Moon trines Mars, giving courage and hopefulness.
Venus trines Uranus on Sunday and Monday, perhaps bringing new expressions of love. Saturn’s square to the New Moon makes Sunday morning, the first day of December, feel constrained, and reminds us of weekend chores that need to be done. As the day wears on, exuberance builds, as the Moon opposes Jupiter.
It is not easy to get the work week going on Monday morning, December 2, as the Moon is void of course from 7:46 am-1:08 pm PST, along with Mercury being retrograde. We are likely to feel pulled in many directions at once without a clear sense of priorities until the Moon moves into Capricorn at 1:08 p.m. PST. When the Moon enters hard-working, cardinal earth sign Capricorn, we get to work on the tasks at hand. The Venus-Uranus trine in earth signs may shake out surprises in love and money matters.
Tuesday, December 3, is a strong work day with the Moon continuing in industrious Capricorn. The Sun squares Saturn, and the Moon makes an easier sextile to Saturn. These two alignments draw attention to commitments and responsibilities, as well as limitations. Harness these energies, and you can get a lot accomplished.
After the Capricorn Moon makes a satisfying conjunction with Venus on Wednesday, December 4, it ignites the Pluto-Mars opposition. The Moon moves into Aquarius and conjuncts Pluto after a Moon void of course period from 3:33 p.m.-8:20 p.m. While the Moon is void it is best to take care of routine matters rather than trying to conduct business requiring meetings and decisions, especially since Mercury is retrograde. As the Moon aligns with Pluto, and closely opposite Mars, the evening’s energy is volatile and aggressive. Channel it for good by working on a demanding project.
From December 3-8 the Sun opposes Jupiter, with Saturn squaring both planets, forming a T-square. The Sun and Mercury are closely conjunct, so the trickster planet Mercury is pulled into the mix. The Sun-Jupiter opposition ignites optimism and expansion, but Saturn keeps the exuberance and excess in check. This aspect pattern holds a lot of strength and power.
The Aquarius Moon opposes Mars early on Thursday, December 5, igniting a spark for freely connecting with others, and expressing some unique ways of going about the day. Later Thursday Mars opposes the midpoint of the Moon and Pluto, making for a powerful, explosive combination. The Sun and Mercury exactly align, giving brilliant thinking.
On Friday, December 6, Mars stations to turn retrograde. Mars will be retrograde for 2 ½ months until February 22, moving back into Cancer. The Sun and Mercury are conjunct, squared by Saturn, adding the burden of responsibility, or just reminding us to be judicious with our words, and to check our short or long-distance travel plans twice. The day ends on an exuberant note.
Neptune stations on Saturday, December 7, turning direct in motion. The Moon moves into imaginative Pisces. Thus, the symbolism of Neptune and Pisces will be strong: idealism, inspiration, creativity, compassion. Neptune will keep moving forward through the last degrees of Pisces until it makes a significant shift into Aries on March 30, 2025. Another strong astrological feature of Saturday is that Ceres, Venus, and Pluto exactly align at 0 degrees of Aquarius. This combination of planets will amplify passions and strong feelings about love and family, both one’s immediate family and the communal, world family. The Sabian Symbol for this degree is “An Old Adobe Mission in California.” This is about acceptance of people’s diverse belief systems in a community, and acceptance of each person’s divinity. Express your love of family, community, and world concerns by donating time or money to a worthy cause. And wear a smile on your face for all you touch this day.
On Sunday, December 8, the Pisces Moon moves into a conjunction with Saturn, and both square the Sun and Jupiter, forming a tense T-square, though the mutability of this T-square eases some of the pressure. This alignment holds a lot of creative inspiration, so use it manifest your dreams and ideas. As bedtime arrives, the Moon aligns with Neptune, inviting us into active dreaming while sleeping.
The Moon bounces into Aries early Monday, December 9, giving a bold, dynamic start to the work week. The cardinal fire Moon makes benefic alignments with Pluto, Ceres, Venus, and Mars, altogether giving a boost in productivity. This is a day to aim for your goals and reach them.
The Week in Short:
Saturday: Sunny, good-humored day that ends on a high note of hopefulness.
Sunday: New and exciting expressions of love are unleashed, while being reminded of chores that need to be completed. Exuberance builds.
Monday: Energies are scattered on Monday morning until 1:08 p.m., and then we move into a more productive mode, sprinkled with a few surprises.
Tuesday: Strong work day. You may be aware of limitations, but much can be accomplished.
Wednesday: Another strong day for accomplishment. Moon VoC 3:33 pm-8:20 pm. Volatile, tense evening. Channel the energy into a demanding project.
Thursday: Powerful, explosive, day. Original ideas flow.
Friday: Mars stations retrograde. Powerful day to assert yourself. Keep your ideas and words in check. A feeling of excitement lights up the day.
Saturday: Neptune stations direct. Passions ignited for family and the broader community. Give time and money for a good cause and smile at all with whom you come in contact.
Sunday: Creative tension can be applied to artistic projects and ideas to manifest your dreams.
Monday: Bold, dynamic, productive start to the work week.
Ten Things to Do with Venus in Capricorn (November 11-December 6)
1. Exercise prudence regarding financial matters
2. Get your portfolio in ship shape.
3. Tighten your belt and save more.
4. Be discerning in your love life.
5. Host a social gathering for old and new business associates.
6. Upgrade your website.
7. Prune your wardrobe.
8. Select high quality practical gifts of good value.
9. Set goals to increase your business in the coming year.
10. Work hard and love your work.
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Moon Void of Course:
This is the time when the Moon makes its last major angular aspect with a planet before it moves into the next zodiacal sign tropically. This void time, when the Moon is not aspecting a planet, but rather floating on its own, is a time when things don’t come together and it is difficult to make good decisions. Purchases made during void Moons often turn out to be unsatisfactory and not work out. Appointments often don’t come together, and meetings don’t result in progress or sound, lasting decisions. We more easily get lost or meander in trying to get somewhere. The VoC Moon times for the next month are listed below so that you can plan meetings, decisions, and purchases at times when the Moon is not VoC; and use the void times for gardening, reading, and routine task work.
Void-of-Course Moon times for the month ahead (one lunar cycle):
Pacific Standard Time:
December 2: 7:46 am-1:08 pm (Moon into Capricorn)
December 4: 3:33 pm-8:20 pm (Moon into Aquarius)
December 6 at 4:01 pm through December 7 at 1:48 am (Moon into Pisces)
December 9: 12:44 am-5:37 am (Moon into Aries)
December 10 at 2:13 pm through December 11 at 7:54 am (Moon into Taurus)
December 13: 4:38 am-9:21 am (Moon into Gemini)
December 15: 6:31 am-11:21 am (Moon into Cancer)
December 17: 10:33 am-3:38 pm (Moon into Leo)
December 19: 9:19 pm-11:36 pm (Moon into Virgo)
December 22: 5:26 am-11:07 am (Moon into Libra)
December 24 at 2:43 a.m. through December 25 at 12:06 a.m. (Moon into Scorpio)
December 27: 6:23 am-11:46 am (Moon into Sagittarius)
December 29: 3:34 pm-8:37 pm (Moon into Capricorn)
December 31 at 10:02 pm through January 1, 2025, at 2:49 am (Moon into Aquarius)
January 2 at 8:12 pm through January 3 at 7:20 am (Moon into Pisces)
January 5: 6:29 am-11:00 am (Moon into Aries)
GMT (Greenwich Mean Time):
November 30: 6:18-11:52 (Moon into Sagittarius)
December 2: 15:46-21:08 (Moon into Capricorn)
December 4 at 23:33 through December 5 at 4:20 (Moon into Aquarius)
December 7: 0:01-9:48 (Moon into Pisces)
December 9: 8:44-13:37 (Moon into Aries)
December 10 at 22:13 through December 11 at 15:54 (Moon into Taurus)
December 13: 12:38-17:21 (Moon into Gemini)
December 15: 14:31- 19:21 (Moon into Cancer)
December 17: 18:33-23:38 (Moon into Leo)
December 20: 5:19-7:36 (Moon into Virgo)
December 22: 13:26-19:07 (Moon into Libra)
December 24 at 10:43 through December 25 at 8:06 (Moon into Scorpio)
December 27: 14:23-19:46 am (Moon into Sagittarius)
December 29 at 23:34 through December 30 at 4:37 (Moon into Capricorn)
January 1, 2025: 6:02-10:49 (Moon into Aquarius)
January 3: 4:12-15:20 (Moon into Pisces)
January 5: 14:29-19:00 (Moon into Aries)
Copyright @ 2024 Cathy Coleman, All rights reserved.